This Swift Message contains information on the following:

3 Week Activity Calendar

Wrestling Workers - 11/4

Wrestling Schedule Change

Middle School Activities Recap

District Events Calendar/RCMS Sports Schedules

RCMS 3 Week Activity Calendar Link

RCMS Weekly Activity Calendar 10/22 Start

Wrestling Workers - 11/4

We are looking for individuals who are interested in helping with our Wrestling tournament on 11/4 that starts at 9:00 AM. Volunteers can earn an activity pass for MS/HS Events. If you are interested, please email . Thank you for considering!

Wrestling Schedule Change

We were originally scheduled to go to St. Marys on 11/14 for a wrestling quad. They will be moving that quad to Onaga on the same date. 

Middle School Activities Recap:

No Activities this week

District Events Calendar:

Middle School Individual Sport Schedules:

Please follow us on Twitter (“X”): @RockCreek_MS or on Facebook: “Rock Creek Middle School”


Thank you,

Mr. Pahls


785-494-8591 Option #2