This Swift Message contains information on the following:
3 Week Activity Calendar
MS Girls Basketball 11/28
Middle School Activities Recap
District Events Calendar/RCMS Sports Schedules
RCMS 3 Week Activity Calendar Link
RCMS Weekly Activity Calendar 11/26 Start
MS Girls Basketball 11/28
On 11/28, MS girls basketball plays Marysville. 7A and 8A will play at 4:30p, with 7B and 8B to follow. 7B will only play 2 quarters.
Middle School Activities Recap:
Monday: RCMS GBB was in action at Abilene. Rock Creek 7A won 31-9, Rock Creek 7B won 26-6, Rock Creek 8A lost 39-18, Rock Creek 8B lost 37-5.
Tuesday: RCMS GBB traveled to St. Marys for basketball on Tuesday. Both Rock Creek 7A and 8A came away with wins! Rock Creek 7A won 30-15, and 8A won
District Events Calendar:
Middle School Individual Sport Schedules:
Please follow us on Twitter (“X”): @RockCreek_MS or on Facebook: “Rock Creek Middle School”
Thank you,
Mr. Pahls
785-494-8591 Option #2