Hello Rock Creek,

Information regarding our activities for the upcoming week can be found at our district calendar here:


News Updates for our Activities can be found here:


This Activities Message contains information on the following:

-Heat Plan for HS Sports for 8/21 through 8/25

-HS Fall Sports Parent Meetings: at Rock Creek High School, 8/24/2023, 6:00pm.

-HS Football Jamboree

-Start of HS Competitions Saturday 8/26 with Volleyball 

 -Change in schedule/location for HS Volleyball Dual vs. St. Marys 9/19/2023


Heat Plan for HS Sports for 8/21 through 8/25:

Weather reports for the week of 8/21 through 8/25 have temperatures posted at 100+ degrees.  Due to this, practice plans for our HS Sports teams have changed as follows:

-HS Football – Plan to practice in the mornings of 8/21, 8/22, 8/23, and 8/24, starting at 6:00 am. (Corrected 8/20/2023)

-HS Cross Country – Plans to run inside after school, with practices starting after school.

-HS Volleyball – No interruptions to practices.


HS Fall Sports Parent Meetings:

Rock Creek High School will be having parent meetings for HS Cross Country, HS Volleyball, and HS Cheer on Thursday, 8/24/2023 in doors at Rock Creek High School.  All meetings will be indoors.  We will post an update on locations for these meetings later this week.


HS Football Jamboree:

Rock Creek will be hosting Chapman, St. Marys and Wamego for the HS Football Jamboree scheduled for Friday, 8/25 starting at 6:00 pm.  Thank you to our HS PTO for being willing to provide a meal for this event!  Note we will be watching temperatures throughout the week and may consider a schedule change if deemed necessary.


Start of HS Events with Volleyball Saturday 8/26, reminder where to find information:

Rock Creek High School regular season sporting events begin this weekend with HS Varsity Volleyball at Wabaunsee and HS C-Team Volleyball at Wamego.  Information such as schedule, admission, and concessions information for these events can be found on our events calendar by clicking on the event.


Change in schedule/location for HS Volleyball Dual vs. St. Marys 9/19/2023:

Due to anticipated floor work being done on our HS Gym floors, we have moved the HS Home Volleyball Dual vs. St. Marys from Rock Creek to St. Marys for 9/19/2023.  Start time will remain 5:00 pm.  This has been updated on our district events calendar.

Thank you,

Darwyn Thomlinson

Rock Creek HS AD/AP

#785 494 8591
